About Christian Ministries

Christian Ministries of Delaware County is a non-profit, social service agency that serves the poor and needy of our community with emergency assistance through its programs and commissions. 

Our Mission

As a witness of Jesus Christ, and as God provides resources, Christian Ministries of Delaware County seeks to serve and care for the spiritual and physical needs of all people, to speak out in word and deed on issues of social justice and Christian morality, and to express the oneness Christians are given through Jesus Christ’s life, death and resurrection while respecting the rich diversity of our many traditions.

We believe in…

  • Value

    that every person has value, and is worthy of assistance

  • Diversity

    that diversity is valued as a source of strength;

  • Service

    in service to God, in focused ways that foster self-sufficiency

  • Teamwork

    in coordinated efforts to reduce or avoid duplication

  • Expanded Services

    that we can provide services beyond the scope of those provided by individual churches.

  • Community Strength

    that we can strengthen the community by serving individuals;

  • Our Greatest Resource

    that our greatest resource is our dedicated volunteers and staff;

  • Information Sharing

    in collecting, and sharing information of interest to the religious community;

  • Generosity

    that we can be generous, because the Lord provides generously for us.

Whatever you did for one of the least of these…you did for me.

Matthew 25:40


Andrea Smith

Andrea Smith

Executive Director
Patricia Roark

Patricia Roark

Outreach Specialist
Brent Grigsby

Brent Grigsby

Donation & Intake Assistant
Mercedes Wells

Mercedes Wells

Food Pantry Coodinator
Rosie Long

Rosie Long

Betty Robertson

Betty Robertson

Men’s Shelter Coordinator
Tim Woodgett

Tim Woodgett


Board Members

FRONT (Left to Right)
Cathy Swift, Board Member
Amelia Clark, Board Member
Diana Smiley, Treasurer
Cheryll Crose, Board Member
Kristin Rajca, Board Member

LEFT (Left to Right)
Tom Davis, President
Ben Freeman, Board Member
Jonathan Mitchell, Secretary
Leonard Kaminsky, Past President
Craig Johnson, Board Member
David Abrams, President-Elect (Not pictured)